Friday, August 08, 2008

Nothing Much New

Anders has been sleeping through the night the past few evenings. It seemed to coincide with the halting of the nebulizer treatments. However, we needed to start them again as he is getting really congested. Let's just hope he sleeps through the night tonight and then we will know that it is not the nebulizer and just something else. We switched him to a number 2 nipple and he seems to be eating more so maybe that is what will help him sleep. That's all for now...

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Kara's Home

Kara was gone for 26 hours and 22 minutes in Alexandria visiting Amy. I survived, A2 survived, however, I think Anika was getting a little frustrated at home much time I was spending with Anders; feeding, holding, changing diapers, his crying, etc. She'll get over it. Other than that, everything is good. I am golfing tomorrow in the Friendship Fundraiser at Oxbow. Should be a good time...

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Not Doing Well At This

Well, I'm not doing very well at this. I don't expect others to read this but I do need a place to keep track of thoughts and make it available for those who care. Anders had his second echo cardiogram on Thursday as there was a concern from his primary care physician that he may have a "hole" in his heart. I had already resigned myself to the fact that he would need the relatively routine surgery. I guess I was wrong, not about the routine nature, but about Anders having the defect. All clear on the heart. We are now waiting to find out why his oxygen levels are not normal and we have tried using oxygen on him the past few evenings but he really doesn't appreciate having tubes jammed up his nose with air blowing into him. We are going to have to come up with another method to ensure that he is getting enough oxygen.

Kara is in Alexandria this weekend, so A2 (that is what I call Anika and Anders) and I went to the mall to pick up my wedding ring that needed to be resized 2 sizes larger; one of Anika's birthday presents and make sure I got my coffee. We also played in the playland and got McD's. Anders was ok, but we did have about a 10 minute meltdown in JcP that I thought would require us to head home, but he seemed to resolve it himself and we continued on.

We are going to participate in the MN Buddy Walk on September 21 in St. Paul at Como Park. I set up his first donation page ( to raise money for Friendship, an organization that provides opportunities for the developmentally disabled. Not your normal way of raising money, participating in one event and raise money for another organization. But at the end of the day, it really does all end up in the same place.

So, when is the next time I'm going to post?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Thoughts from Friends and Family

I realize that not many people read this blog...actually, I don't think anyone does but me. But that is fine, and there in lies the purpose of this creation. I want a place to keep personal things that most would put in a scrapbook or baby book or some other keepsake. So, in order for me to memorize some thoughts of friends and family, I am going to store them here. If any of you, for any reason, see this and do not want them shared, please let me know and I will remove them.

I am a co-worker of Kara’s at Pearson. Please tell her I think Anders is beautiful!

I have no doubt that he will bring abundant blessings to your family – what a lucky guy to have you two for parents and Anika for a sister.

Chris, I’m going keep the last sentence of your email announcement close to my heart for a long time. Nothing could be any more truer in all of our lives. No one is exempt. What a great attitude. God bless you all!

Take good care.

Michelle Breitsprecher

All in all, it has been an experience of unknowns, but with unknowns come surprises, and last time I checked, most surprises can be a good thing.”

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Best Laid Plans

Well, it seems as if my previous post was a little premature. Attached is my e-mail notification...

"On March 19, 2008, at 11:52 AM, Anders (Ahn-ders) Christian Jones was born. He weighs 6 lbs 13 oz and is 18 3/4 inches long. This was a little unexpected, as his official due date was April 17, but we had planned to bring him into the world on April 4, so he was a little early. He is a pretty cute kid, but we've had some additional unplanned outcomes. We learned shortly after birth, he most likely has downs syndrome. We will not know for certain until we receive the genetic testing, potentially as early as Monday. Soon after his birth, he (just to prove he can be just like his big sister) had a brief non-breathing spell, so he was admitted to the NICU. Fortunately, he is doing just fine now and may be able to come home with us on Saturday.

Kara is doing well and Anika is excited to be a big sister, yet slightly perturbed that she can't go into the NICU to see her baby brother.

All in all, it has been an experience of unknowns, but with unknowns come surprises, and last time I checked, most surprises can be a good thing."

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Next Birthday

The next birthday in the Jones Family will be on April 4. Oh, the irony; My birthday is in April, Kara's birthday is on the 4th of August. And of course, Anika's birthday is August 20th, again, the same birthday month as Kara and the same day as our would almost think that we planned it...or do I just have too much time to think?

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Anika Will Have a Baby Brother

Well, we now know that Anika is going to have a baby brother. We found out last Thursday. Any ideas on names?